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My favorite Web 2.0 tool would have to be Google Drive.  There is just a plethora of tools that is educator/student friendly.  https://www.google.com/drive/

I have personally used wikipedia to look up information before but have never contributed to it until today.  I really liked the feeling of adding to history.  I used to use wikispaces when it first came out.  I found that Remind 101 worked better for me, but I am considering going to back to wikispaces now that I see all the the upgrades that it has.  


I liked the Wiki Cool tools for schools in the classrooms. Before seeing the Wiki here, I used a WIKI very similar as a resource for my students, called 50 ways. Since I am a speech teacher, I was looking for audio, visual, and presentation tools for my students, and this site organized them nicely. I also created flashcards of some of the Web 2.0 tools, handed them out to my students, and had them explore the tools themselves. Some tools were no longer workings, so I would take it out of the stack. Then, I had students post to Padlet on a wall, like an online bulletin board, with the name of the tool, a description of the tool, and a picture (optional). They also would share out in a short presentation to the class. Here is the link to that wiki:  http://50ways.wikispaces.com/StoryTools. Here is also a link to the Padlet one of my classes created. The Padlet link was posted on their blackboard. I wanted to do it this way so that when they had to choose a visual presentation tool, they could check out the padlet and see if any of the tools would work for their projects. https://padlet.com/molima/p1webtools


A web 2.0 tool that can be used for all grade levels, and all content areas is EDpuzzle . This is a great tool for engaging students in the content, and allows for a formative assessment. 


A Wiki I have found that is beneficial for my younger students at the Elementary level is the Houghton Mifflin Technology Resource Wiki, it has a ton of Web 2.0 tools and resources that I can easily implement in my K-2 Technology classes.


A cool technology tool that I would like to share is Seesaw - Student Driven Digital Portfolios and it also includes a Blogging feature.


The wiki "Web 2.0 Cool Tools for School" has a ton of wonderful resources.  Some of these resources are familiar and some are not.  I like how the tools are categorized.  For example, drawing, audio, and image.  I selected a resource that helps compare and contrast two items: http://www.diffen.com/


The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. These new applications have shifted the paradigm from Web 1.0 tools and are helping to prepare students for the 21st century job market and life-long learning.  Students who understand 2.0 will be able learn what they want, when they want, and how they want. They now have the ability in the world of Web 2.0 to participate in that learning rather than simply have one-sided information given to them.  Understanding 2.0 platforms and concepts allows everyone to be a learner.   Creating  Web 2.0 technologies allow teachers to help their students to build their visual literacy skills as well as, share, contribute, collaborate, create, and communicate with peers whether known or unknown, in their town or from across the globe. Web 2.0 technologies includes, but is not limited to blogs, wikis, pod-casts, RSS, and other cool tools. One of the most impressive yet controversial wikis is www.Wikipedia.org, whose tagline is "The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." So, how can we trust Wikipedia if anyone can edit it?  Simple.  According to a test done by Alex Halavais, he created thirteen errors and within a couple of hours the problems were fixed.  This helps to prove that there are many more people wanting the information to be correct than those who want to make it wrong. However, we still need to inform students of the dangers of believing everything they read on the internet.  Here's a link to a nifty tool that is now not operating: http://www.bubbleply.com/default.htm.  By using Web 2.0 tools in education, teachers can create a student-centered environment for learning since the tools are user driven. Student learning using Web 2.0 can occur in a classroom, library, home, coffee shop, or anywhere where students have internet access.  Web 2.0 has come a long way to provide the ability to not only share, but collaborate online! Web 2.0 can help educators make a deeper connection with their students, because at this point students expect to be able to use web-based tools in their education. It is what they do outside of the classroom for many of their other daily activities, and it is a means of communicating, reading, and learning that they understand and are incredibly familiar with. 


Mindomo is a Web 2.0 tool that allows you to create mind maps, graphic organizer, brainstorming, or thinking tool. You can use it for a  variety of purposes to convey your knowledge, compare and contrast topics, or make a web of connections. It is a FREE tool for your first three maps! Also, you can share your maps with others. 


Many people worry about student security on these sites, but many sites allow for teachers to control who views and edits information.  This is especially useful for younger students.  One of these tools is called Edmodo. Edmodo is called the "Facebook" for classrooms.  It is completely safe tool with endless possibilities for classroom sue. www.edmodo.com 


Drop Box https://www.dropbox.com/ is an innovative Web 2.0 tool that you can use anywhere as a storage unit for pictures, documents and videos. It is free and is great tool to use for traveling or researching.  Wikis as a tool for teaching foreign language can serve as a centralized teacher and student-based hub where valuable language-learning websites can be accessed. 


One of my favorite Web 2.0 tools is Storybird. This tool can be used during a creative writing unit, where students can use this source to create their own digital story books.


Two wonderful apps that I love to use currently are Thinglink and Animoto! They are both so easy to use and versatile. Thinglink is an interactive image app, where you add your own image and create an interactive image out of it. You can add text, pictures, video files and links then allow the students access to it and pace their own learning! Kids can create them as well, as they are so easy to use! We have even used it for our students to create their own assessments with it! 

Animoto is another one of my favorites this year! My Kindergarten-Second Graders are experts in creating music videos so quickly and easily! We have used this to present and publish our writing and research reports this year. I am just so impressed with how easy it is to use, and even our young Kindergarten students are creating wonderful music videos to share through this app with minimal help from the teachers! 


Evernote http://evernote.com/ is one of my favorite Web 2.0 tools. It is a free, cloud-based note taking and organizational tool. It runs on multiple devices and platforms. Evernote includes the capability to record and store voice notes, images, text and documents in organized, tagged notebooks that can be accessed from the web, iPad, iPod Touch, Windows, Mac, and Android smartphones.


Evernote is a great way for students to accomplish independent and collaborative projects as well as a way for teachers to share instructional information with students. Notes and notebooks can be shared via public or private links. Draft your notes on one device and they automatically appear and update in your account on any device. With Evernote---you are working in the cloud. Your data is not dependent on a particular computer or software application---the application and your data are both stored and delivered to and from servers via the Internet. You can email a note as well.


The Evernote Trunk is a great place to find other cloud based products that integrate with Evernote. http://trunk.evernote.com/ Skitch http://evernote.com/skitch/ is one of the cloud services that works independently but also integrates with Evernote. This app allows you to capture, edit and markup your screen captures and images with shapes and comments. You can send information from Skitch directly to your Evernote account.


You can even send tweets straight to notes in Evernote. Here’s how: http://blog.evernote.com/2009/04/14/evernote_twitter/


I am curious if there is a movement for anything concerning "Apps 2.0".  The big thing about the internet that has changed in the last 10 years is the transition from the 'dot com' revolution to the 'app revolution'.  Web tools are awesome and there are 1001 possibilities, but I'd love to explore how Apps for smart phones can also enhance the learning process.  There are many platforms that are beginning to allow integration between the web tool and Apps for smart phones, tablets, and iPads.  One such tool that has seen many improvements across the mobile platform as well as the web platform is Google Drive www.drive.google.com.  This is a storage tool that can be used to store both Google documents as well as other documents that can be uploaded.  All files uploaded and stored can be accessed across multiple devices.  Google Drive is an amazing tool for collaboration between colleagues or students.  


The tools available in Google Drive (formerly known as Google Docs) offer some great resources for teachers and students to use.  The live, online accessibility provided by Google Docs allows users to create and share documents with multiple collaborators so they can edit documents simultaneously.  This opens up a wide variety of options for teachers and students to work with colleagues and peers.  Teachers can create assignments for their students that are engaging and collaborative.  They can monitor the progress of student writing assignments, make comments on assignments without destroying the original document, and also minimize classroom disruptions that can be caused by student movement around the room and students sharing computers.


To add on to Google Drive/Docs, I have found the commenting feature to be an extremely valuable tool for collaboration through peer editing.  I have my writing partners share their work with each other and comment on potential revisions and suggestions.  The commenting tool significantly increases their engagement level.  Also, they are able to collaborate without speaking which does wonders for the noise level in my room compared to when I used to have 10 pairs of partners all sharing their work and talking over each other at once!


One of the incredibly useful tools within Google Drive is the Script Gallery which gives users the ability to add functionality to their documents. 


Flubaroo is an example of one of the free tools available in the Script Gallery that teachers can add to a Google Form/Spreadsheet to quickly grade assessments.  The ability to virtually see the grades as students complete their assessments provides teachers with increased opportunities for immediate intervention for students who are struggling.


I couldn't agree more!  We're getting iPads for use in our classroom this year, and I'm so excited to learn about how they can be used.  I've heard about Apps for practicing specific skills such as multiplication facts, but I'm wondering what kind of Apps there are to promote deeper understanding of concepts.


One App I like to use with my students is Educreations. Educreations is like a virtual, recording whiteboard. The presentation, or explanation can be uploaded on to the web. I use it to have students show understanding of concepts. I find that this is great for promoting deeper understanding. One drawback is that the App is tied to an online account. This can become cumbersome with several classes using the same iPads. Currently, the App is tied to my online account. When the student are done, they upload it to my account.  Two other whiteboard apps that I recommend trying are Doceri and ShowMe.


I am strong believer in review review and review. There is online program called Castle Learning creates activities and practice exams for students to do at home and classroom. Last time I checked, students can do it on their computes, ipads and smartphones. I think it would be great for students to have increased access to review questions. They have online questions for all subjects. 


Open Bible Geocoding (http://www.openbible.info/geo/). Explore Bible locales as they appear on our modern globe, utilizing the power of Google Earth. Click on a Bible book and chapter, and be taken to the places mentioned in that chapter. Many of those places have photos of archaeological sites, sometimes in the spherical.


We used Animoto for a group of fifth grade students with special needs. We created a resource file of information on the thirteen colonies. Students gathered facts and images and created ads to attract new colonists. We received a second place award from Google at our annual 2012 NJASA, New Jersey Association of School Administrators, conference in Atlantic City, NJ. In addition, we were invited by our local newspaper, The Asbury Park Press, to appear on a special internet broadcast about news in education. Try it! You'll love how easy it is!


Since I am a math teacher, I really like using WolframAlpha. It is a program online that allows you to type in math problems and it will produce the answer. However, it will also show you the steps to solving the problem. http://www.wolframalpha.com/


Doceri is a great interactive whiteboard app for your iPad.  You can walk around the classroom and present lesson content directly from your iPad.  It not only acts as a whiteboard, but you can also create recordings and screencasts ahead of time.  These can even be mirrored using Apple TV via AirPlay.  One of the biggest reasons I use it in class is to link from my desktop; anything that's on my desktop can be manipulated using Doceri on the iPad--the iPad uses Doceri to act as a remote control.  So whatever presentation I have running on my desktop, using Doceri with the iPad allows me access for presentation control anywhere in the room.  It's a great tool if you want to set your iPad on a student's desk to check understanding.


As we integrate more and more of the common core standards and requirements into our curricula, web 2.0 technology is becoming an integral part of this process.  The website Kerpoof is excellent for accomplishing many of the common core standards, especially for storytelling components, on a differentiated platform.  Kerpoof allows the students to create stories, or story elements, and express their ideas through easy to manipulate templates for telling a story, making a picture, making a movie, etc.  They have something for everyone, grades K-8.  Unfortunately Kerpoof is no longer around!!! Last April, Disney (the creator of Kerpoof) decided to take Kerpoof down. They said on the site that they were concentrating their efforts more on their apps that corresponded more with movies. My students and I absolutely LOVED Kerpoof. I thought it was a wonderful tool - such a great open ended tool that I could use with students in a wide range of grades. My students in a few different grades and I commented via Kerpoof that we were unhappy with their decision and I even wrote directly to Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, explaining why Kerpoof was so great and why they should re-instate it. Unfortunately I haven't heard back. :( 


One new Web 2.0 tool I have just learned about is UTellStory. It is similar to VoiceThread, but easier to use. It allows you to make slideshows with your own images or media that you find online and add audio to it. You can also add text. The finished slide shows can be public or private and can be embedded in blogs, wikis, or other sites. It is free, accessible to ELLs, and is completely browser-based. 


The Web 2.0 tool that I have recently grown appreciative of is Audacity or SMART recorder. These are software programs which allow you to record audio on your computer. Audacity is free to download and use. SMART recorder allows you to also capture the computer screen as a tutorial. Both of these programs have been very helpful as I attempt to provide additional video tutorials for students who need help, recordings for students who were absent, and a flipped classroom experience.


Prezi is a great presentation tool without the need for Powerpoint.


Step 2: Use PBwiki to collaborate

  • Click "New Page" to create a universe of pages using pre-made templates

  • PBwiki FAQ

  • Get PBwiki tips & tricks at our blog


Love Scholastic! Love Scholastic! Love Scholastic!  

Teacher Tube

http://www.annefrank.org/en/Subsites/Home/- Awesome interactive site about Anne Frank.  Take a tour of the secret annex!


i know it has been mentioned many times... because it's that great. But Google Apps, and Google Drive in particular, is an amazing tool. One cool unplanned use of it last year was when our English 11 class had a debate, and students were updating rebuttal points in real time for each other as the debate went on. It was great for collaboration.


I love using http://quizstar.4teachers.org!  With Quizstar, you can set-up your classes by name and times.  The classes can be set-up as public or private.  I choose private so that I restrict access to users (as there are always random users that try to sign-up for my classes which can make retrieving grades a problem).  Then, you can create and assign quizzes/tests to each class.  Those quizzes can have a start/end time and a certain number of attempts.  The quizzes grade themselves automatically (unless you use open ended questions).  Students can see results immediately (as far as a score/percent) upon submitting their quiz/test.  Then, you can assign results with answers to appear immediately or once the quiz expires (which is the option I choose so that students aren't looking over the answer key as others are still completing the quiz/test).  I have been using this site for 10 years, and I can't imagine using anything else.  I love it!  And, best of all...it's FREE!!


I like use of the blogspot.com.  I found that it was extremely easy to use and it can be an effective tool for the classroom.  I can blog with my students and I can put assignments, projects, notes, etc. on the page for the students to see.  This is extremely useful if the students is absent from class.  It is also useful for the parents to see if the students have work to complete for my class.  School-notes is a great site that is coincides with this.


I read a lot online, and have had trouble keeping track of it all. Bookmarks are OK, but with the sheer volume they're not enough. In addition, there isn't a way to annotate and otherwise take notes about the websites. Until now. Diigo to the rescue! Diigo lets me store all of the URLs I choose, regardless of site or type. I also can annotate, categorize, and sort them. I am creating a Diigo group for the articles I send to my colleagues at school; this way, they only have to subscribe to the site, instead of slog through my emails. Makes my and their lives easier, I'm sure! Diigo to the rescue!


One tool I am excited to use with my middle school students this year is Thinglink. It is free, simple to use, and has relevance across the curriculum. Students simply create an account, upload an image, and create tags, which are then linked to any site imaginable by inserting the url to create an interactive experience for the user. Images can then be emibedded and shared to allow for comments, and you can follow users too. Here is a slideshare for more information. 


One tool I will be using this year is called Animoto. My students can make professional looking videos with music. Animoto lends itself to any topic. Most parts of it are free and allows students to use 30 second music clips and can add video and pictures. It is a great tool to use in collaboration with novels and the theme of the novel.


I'm using many Web 2.0 tools these days. I recently introduced kidblogs to my 7-8 year old students. I had previously tried Wikispaces, with limited success. Once I told them how to create their own blogs, within a few weeks all of the students had started using them . Now they are posting their pictures, projects, and commenting on each others' work. Although a Wiki is good for collaborating on creating content, it is not so good at creating original work spaces. I'm looking forward to seeing what else we'll be creating on kidblogs. http://kidblog.org/home/


A really fun tool for kids to use and also that I like to use in lighter presentations is Blabberize .  All one has to do is upload a photograph of a face to the site.  It can be human, animal, alien, any face.  Then you record your voice with what you would like the picture to "say".  The mouth of the picture will move with what you recorded.  Very fun and boy does it capture their attention!!


Web 2.0 is knowledge used and created by all, and not a few. When talking about Web 2.0, Google Drive is my absolute favorite. I know it has been mentioned, but it is too great to miss out on! Students work collaboratively on presentations, documents, forms, or most things that you could do in Microsoft. Uses are endless! I have created things, shared them with students, and then let students edit them and return them. Students have created work in groups of 2-3, sometimes when they are not even in the same room. Students have also used it to cite their resources for their projects, and shared those cites with their partners so they can find the same information. I also love LucidPress, Clipular, and WebScreen Shot, which are apps that work with that same Google login.  http://drive.google.com https://www.lucidpress.com/ https://www.clipular.com/welcome#clips All three apps can be used to organize information and create projects. LucidPress has the most flexibility with many formats to choose from. Clipular allows you to find pictures online, group them, and add your own notes to them. WebScreen Shot allows you to find online newspapers, and edit the content (for your viewing only unless you screenshot it and share).


I, too, would like to add my two cents about Google Drive. It is well worth mentioning several times, because it is a completely different application for whomever is using it. Its versatility allows me to use the same drive for so many groups. I can create several different folders and invite a different group to interact with one in a particular way. For example, my Creative writing class created a series of essays that focused on particular elements of American culture, such as food, music, education, clothing etc. The entire class had sharing privileges with these essays so that they could make editing suggestions. Once all edits were complete, we shared these essays with student from France, Bahrain, and India.  Those students also added their writings and all of us had access to global writing for reading and reflections.  On the other hand my neighbor had an invention that he wanted to market and I edited a video ad for him that he could view and make suggestions for changes. Once it was finished, we shared it with marketers, who were also able to make suggestions.  I also use it to share larger video projects with my online graduate students, so that they can observe best practices or ask for critiques on their own.  None of these folders need to interact with the others and I can maintain all these from one spot.


One new tool I used this year in my teaching is Socrative.com. This is a very cool student response system that gets kids engaged. They loved it and it was quite nice for me, as the teacher, too. Check it out!


A similar formative assessment tool to Socrative is https://plickers.com/ .  The major advantage is that you do not need any technology besides a Smart Board or projector.  The students may not be allowed phones, or your school may not have laptops or iPads.  Plickers allows students to put a finger on a section of a paper as the teacher scans the room student by student (it scans it quickly and well).  Then, their answers are recorded on the website just like Kahoot and Scorative.  


Another presentation and real-time student response system is Classflow (https://classflow.com/). It was originally designed for use with Promethean boards, but is compatible with most systems. Also, the interactive features are cross-platform, so it does not matter what device students use to respond. 


My students use http://www.wordle.net/ to create word clouds. Students type in a list of words to describe themselves and the Web 2.0 tool designs the word cloud. Students can change the font, colors, and layout. We have also used this tool for including the names of the graduating class and published the word cloud in the yearbook.


A tool that is similar to Socrative that I have used in the past is Nearpod.  One

can create presentations, share it with students, and then have students respond to it using computers or handheld devices.


My district has high disregard for most wikis including wikipedia.  This is unfortunate and I often let students use it anyway as long as they are vetting the sources.  One tool I use is the website allaboutexplorers.com  This website is designed to mix real and completely non-factual info about explorers.  Students usually quickly recognize the issues and it is a great tool for vetting sources.


I agree with so many of the tools I see written about up here. I've used Wordle with students to create word clouds. The first time I used it was after Obama was first elected, and we copied and pasted his inaugural address into Wordle. It takes the top 150 words by default and turns them into the word cloud. My 6th graders started fiddling around with that. One girls shrunk it down to the top 2 words and it was very telling. They came out to "new nation." So it sparked a nice class discussion.  I've used Google Drive/Docs quite a bit too, and am so excited to get started using it with students and staff when we finally "go Google' in our district. Hopefully that will be within the next month or two. I'm trying now to work behind the scenes and get small groups of teachers on board to think in a positive way about the change, and how it will make our PLCs more productive, in that we can virtually meet via Google Drive and collaborate in a doc. Prezi is also a terrific tool which I believe can be used in a collaborative way. It is more dynamic than powerpoint and is terrific in that you don't need special software. Another great website is https://kahoot.it.  With Kahoot you can create quizzes, and then have students take them either on their phones, iPads, or computers/laptops. I learned about it at a technology workshop recently. Once you make a quiz, you show it on a large screen. Students get an access code to type in on the site, then just the multiple choice answers show up for them. It is very cool. Another great site is Padlet. Padlet is like a "sticky note" site - you can create a wall and ask students to write on it. Recently I used it as an exit ticket after reading a story to a class, I had them log in and access a Padlet I created, then students read the question I posted, double clicked on the wall to create a space for them to write and wrote their response. When they refreshed the page, they could see what their classmates wrote and could comment on others' comments.


Looking for cool science activities for your students online? Look no further! http://phet.colorado.edu is a free, one-stop shop for interactive science java applets that students can use to explore physics, chemistry, earth science, and biology topics. Each applet is fully interactive, encouraging exploration, investigation, data gathering, and analysis. The applets are designed for high school science students; I use them in my first and second-year college physics courses as simulations in class to reinforce concepts and to prepare them for the "off-line" lab that follows.


Looking for an alternative to Educreations? Try Explain Everything. This app is available on iOS, Android, and Windows making it the most versatile interactive whiteboard and screen capturing tool for mobile devices. Students can import files, images, and videos to any project. Animation and Annotation tools are available along with timeline editing. Any projects can be exported to a variety of platforms such a Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, Box, OneDrive, and Evernote.  It is very easy to use and offers tremendous versatility for both student and teacher use.


To help beginning researchers brainstorm topics for a thesis, I used Instagrok (http://www.instagrok.com). Students can search a topic on the search bar or use one of the topics that pop up. Concept maps appear that provide key ideas, websites, videos, images, concepts, and an area for notes. If a registered user, a student could also keep a journal of his/her thesis search and progress. There are also quizzes connected to the topic. The spelling on this tool is not always accurate, but the information seems to be. One blog I follow tipped me off to this helpful tool, Joyce Valenza's Neverending Search (http://www.blogs.slj.com/neverendingsearch).


One of my favorite Web 2.0 tools for music students is Noteflight. With noteflight users can create, view, print, hear and share professional music notation in a browser. It works on a computer, tablet or phone. Students are able to create music and share with others. They can work collaboratively on projects.


One of my new favorite Web 2.0 tools is Quizizz, which is similar to Kahoot. Teachers create a quiz or find one in the public list. Then, teachers assign the quiz to students. Students do not need to log in to complete the quiz. There are two options for quiz completion: in class (like Kahoot) or assigned for homework. With the homework option, students go to Quizizz and put in the unique "join code" for that quiz. Then, they complete the quiz and Quizizz saves their score onto a leaderboard. The best part is that there are funny (and appropriate) memes between each question. 


My favorite Web 2.0 Tool is Padlet. I use it almost daily. I'm always afraid that my students might tire of it becuase I will use it across subject areas, but nope! They love it. "Padlet is an online bulletin board. History teachers, however, can use this tool in myriad ways. For example, Padlet users can pose open-ended questions and elicit multiple student responses—ideal for posing document-based questions using primary sources." - www.teachinghistory.org


I love Kahoot!  It's an engaging way to poll, quiz and challenge students by gamifying lesson content. It has a lot of neat features, like students can compete individually or in a group, and points are awarded not only to correct answers but the fastest answers. It's a great way to review, or even preview what students know about lessons because it gives you real time data after your students finish answering. 


One of my favorite Web 2.0 Tools is Google Drive/Docs.  There are so many wonderful add-ons for Docs, like PaperPile, Easy Bib, OneLook Thesaurus.  I also really like the music extensions Noteflight and KBD2MIDI, which could be so helpful for an elementary or high school music teacher.  Google Drive is a great way to share resources with other educators, as well.  You could even collaborate on a project together with real-time editing.


There are a few Web 2.0 tools I really like for my grade level.  I like Padlet to serve as a "ticket out the door".  It allows for students to see the responses of their classmates and for the teacher to quickly do a formative assessment of the lessons.  I also like Kahoot because it is a motivational way to review material taught.  Lastly I like Story Bird as a fun way for students to create online stories.


Comments (Show all 87)

Lisa Kutra said

at 2:55 pm on Feb 1, 2011

One of my favorite web sites is from Fountas and Pinnell. One reason I like it is they blog to answer questions about their reading program and reading instruction philosophy and then they post to Facebook on different topics, etc... that go with their programs. Check it out... especially good for elementary school reading. www.fpblog.heinemann.com
I also like www.theschoolbell.com for games and reading activities.

Lisa Kutra said

at 3:13 pm on Feb 1, 2011

Greg Smith said

at 7:42 pm on Mar 3, 2011

Here's a link to the technology tool VoiceThread http://voicethread.com/. This is a great collaboration tool that allows students to comment in 5 different ways. It's a great tool!

MSchmell said

at 5:22 am on Mar 25, 2011

http://www.wallwisher.com Wallwisher is an Internet application that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. Wallwisher is basically a web page where people actually post messages in the form of small “post it notes”.

Ali Spicer said

at 4:06 pm on Mar 29, 2011

www.prezi.com is a cool website for PowerPoint alternatives. We've had several teachers use it for Inservice Day presentations to faculty and staff and it worked really well for that too.

Laural Kirchner said

at 8:54 am on May 17, 2011

Here is a link that may be helpful http://www.wisemantech.com/25sites/

Bette Naughton said

at 5:05 pm on May 28, 2011

A great new note taking resource is available as an opensource application.
I find Growly Notes a great way for students to organize online research. You can also create video and audio recordings while using this application. We are using it as a science notebook in fourth grade, but the possibilities are endless. Enjoy!


Pinkowski said

at 8:37 am on Jun 7, 2011

I like edmodo.com; it's similar to Facebook, but for educational purposes. Teachers can set up different classrooms and the students log in to their class. Once students post, the teacher is able to grade right on the website. Also, teachers and students can add links if needed.

Eric Sifford said

at 3:33 pm on Jun 7, 2011

I like to use a interactive geometry program called Geogebra. This is very useful for my clasroom, and the students pick up on it pretty quickly. http://www.geogebra.org

aandf101 said

at 2:14 pm on Jun 10, 2011

I like to use kerpoof! Students can make different things like pictures and cards, etc.. www.kerpoof.com

Heather Impellizeri said

at 9:51 am on Jun 25, 2011

One of my favorite sites is http://www.thinkingblocks.com/ which is based on the Singapore Math Method to solving problems visually. This site contains video tutorials to demonstrate this method and provides many practice problems. It is appropriate for grades 3 and above for math problem solving practice.

rjm923 said

at 5:57 am on Jul 10, 2011

I use Google Docs for almost all of my students' writing, but I found a good overview of Web 2.0 tools as they apply to teachers at http://www.scribd.com/doc/19576895/Web-20-Tools-for-Teachers.

Paul Pflieger said

at 8:07 am on Jul 22, 2011

I teach English and one site I like to take the students to is http://www.shakespearesglobe.com/about-us/virtual-tour. This allows the students to actually see what the Globe Theater looks like in 3-D. I think students don't have a real appreciation for how plays use to be presented. This site allows them to see what an Elizabethan actor and audience member would feel like.

Ms. Pagotto said

at 8:07 am on Aug 11, 2011


This a Google tool, that is paired up with Google Earth. There is a list of novels organized by grade level, it's rather short list, but if you can find find you will be or would to read, I would definitely say it would be worth your while. This site combines geography and literature using Web 2.0 technology and I'm sure the students would have a great time participating. I found this site in a course last year and have been looking forward to using the site this year when we read Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.

Amanda Erisman said

at 7:37 am on Jun 18, 2012

I recently was introduced to GoogleLitTrips. It looks like a fun tool! I can't wait to use it this school year in the library!

Ms. Odgers said

at 7:25 pm on Aug 15, 2011

As I read the assignment directions, it appears an edit is requested, vs. a comment...but...like the good lemming I am, I will follow everyone else off the cliff and leave a comment instead. ;)

I love Tumblr http://www.tumblr.com/ for blogging, especially if you plan to use a good deal of multimedia material. It could not possibly be easier to post these items on Tumblr (not really so of most other blogs), and they have a mobile app to make it even easier to post. Best of all...it's free. ;)

My students love Glogster http://edu.glogster.com/ . While the pages can be slow to load, and students often don't realize they need to SAVE their pages, or risk losing them (sigh), it's still fun, easy, and a great way to ease into Web 2.0 with your class.

Ben said

at 5:35 pm on Dec 7, 2011

Ben said

at 5:36 pm on Dec 7, 2011

I added this sentence " By using Web 2.0 tools in education, teachers can create a student-centered environment for learning since the tools are user driven." Maybe I was just having one of those days, but I found it hard to follow the directions. First, I couldn't find the History tab, it was top right instead of bottom left. Then when I got to the history page, I could not figure out how to edit my description. Sometimes I have days where I feel like I have never used technology before. I just now noticed that the person that left the bottom comment did the same thing I did.

Anyway, here is a cool tool that I like to use in my basic math classes. It is site with interactive multiplication games. The students love them.

Kim said

at 3:31 pm on Feb 5, 2012

Kim said

at 3:37 pm on Feb 5, 2012

Check out this internet safey link for students. It is called SafeKids.com--http://www.lcs.k12.va.us/lms/ It has helpful parent tools, too.

Kim said

at 5:03 pm on Feb 5, 2012

Sorry about the link above. This is the correct link.

Jeffrey Matracia said

at 1:34 pm on Feb 18, 2012

As a history teacher, I really appreciate the website from http://www.exploratorium.edu/ that has Ten Cool Sites. In the history section this link was very cool.

I can use this tool to have students look at the civil rights movement and do research from it, a teen's experience with war link, an Eyewitness to History link that ues Real Time Player to show videos of individuals sharing their story and much, much more.

Jena Funck said

at 6:55 am on Apr 11, 2012

Jena Funck said

at 6:57 am on Apr 11, 2012

This is an awesome website the I have introduced and used with my class this year. Students use this site to create "glogs" to showcase their learning. I have also created "glogs" which help guide the student through projects and learning without me being right there.

Alison Carroll said

at 8:49 am on Apr 12, 2012

This site was introduce to me at a Technology Fair and I have yet to use it. However, it is a great way to take notes from meetings; daily reflections etc. If I just had more time to explore and use all the great tools out there. http://www.evernote.com/

Bryan said

at 11:10 am on May 7, 2012

I really enjoy the site, it has endless possibilities. I plan on using it for a living newsletter next year.

Amanda Erisman said

at 7:43 am on Jun 18, 2012

Teachers, do you ever get tired of reading your student's writing that uses the same word over and over and over again? One Web 2.0 tool I use is http://www.wordle.net to create synonyms for those overused words. I then print off the wordle creation and hang in the room. Then when a studnet is trying to come up with another word for "like" they can use a word off the "like" wordle.

Victoria Saltzer said

at 10:44 am on Jul 25, 2012

I use the site www.zooburst.com. it allows students and teachers to create virtual 3D books. It's a lot of fun and the kids like it....plus it's free!

Mary Jo Coleman said

at 5:58 pm on Aug 20, 2012

Well, I found the typo, but I don't think I'm supposed to revert to this version of the page! :)

dq said

at 11:52 pm on Dec 9, 2012

I am learning so much from these suggestions. The one I like and was introduced to in this unit is www.Commoncraft Show. I want to return to that site and look at all the "How-To" videos. The one on wikis was so clear and concise. Loved it!

June M. Jones said

at 6:52 pm on Dec 11, 2012

Evernote http://evernote.com/ is one of my favorite Web 2.0 tools. It is a free, cloud-based note taking and organizational tool. It runs on multiple devices and platforms. Evernote includes the capability to record and store voice notes, images, text and documents in organized, tagged notebooks that can be accessed from the web, iPad, iPod Touch, Windows, Mac, and Android smartphones.

June M. Jones said

at 7:27 pm on Dec 11, 2012

Learned a lot when I accidentally deleted someone else's text and had to revert back to the previous version of the page. Handy feature!

Craig Buckley said

at 4:35 pm on Jan 14, 2013

I teach Environmental Biology at a 1:1 e-learning district. I have used an outstanding website that is very informative and interactive. Explorelearning.com offers a wide range of topics that students can interact with while learning the concept that is being taught in class. Topics range from photosynthesis to the food chain. I particularly like this site for the special education population that I work with because the gizmo is very visual and these activities definitey peaks their interest

Jen Laity said

at 9:02 am on Jul 25, 2013

Great resources and editing the site was easy! This was my second wiki experience with making edits, and I can't believe I haven't done this before!

stephanie said

at 12:34 pm on Jul 25, 2013

Collaborize Classroom is an interesting site that allows students to engage in online learning and discussion. It allows teachers to track which students have posted and what they have posted, making it easy to assess student participation.


mike carpenter said

at 6:56 pm on Oct 26, 2013

A previous post mentioned exploratorium.edu and within that site I explored eyewitnesstohistory.com. This site has many great primary sources for history teachers and a variety of web 2.0 lessons could utilize this site.

Nancy Gridley said

at 5:26 pm on Oct 30, 2014

Lots of great tips and comments here. I added mine in blue.

Roscoe Holt said

at 7:16 am on Mar 30, 2015

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/ This is a fun website that I often use to introduce math topics or to practice simple problems before moving on to more challenging problems. It has a variety of math topics with unique and exciting games for the kids to practice their math skills and have fun.

Monica Lima said

at 7:05 pm on Apr 5, 2017

I added a Wiki that was a resource I used in my classroom for Web 2.0 tools. I also added a Padlet activity that I had my students do to explore different Web 2.0 tools to give them ideas for their presentations.

Darci Smith said

at 10:16 am on Jul 24, 2017

I added a comment regarding Padlet, Kahoot, and Story Bird because they are my three favorite Web 2.0 tools. Www.Kahoot.com is probably my students favorite. It allows you to create your own online games but also choose categories and compete against classmates on knowledge of that category.

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