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I added a comment regarding Padlet, Kahoot, and Story Bird because they are my three favorite Web 2.0 tools.
Added a new web 2.0 tool
Added a link to a cool tool.
A cool web tool I've used a couple of times and absolutely love is Glogster. Students can create a technological "pamphlet/newsletter" in Social Studies on just about any topic we choose. They get so creative with it and have a lot of fun doing it. I am thrilled to have been told about this great tool for engagement.
Web 2.0 Tools can add a lot to the classroom. The engagement that is created simply by adding technology to the mix is amazing. Students can meet objectives easier and painlessly by simply adding one of the many new tools out there.
commenting with Google Docs
Added PhET website link with description.
Added a link to Classflow presentation software
I added wordle.net.
My students use http://www.wordle.net/ to create word clouds. Students type in a list of words to describe themselves and the Web 2.0 tool designs the word cloud. Students can change the font, colors, and layout. We have also used this tool for including the names of the graduating class and published the word cloud in the yearbook.
I added additional praise and support for Google Drive.
I added info about Socrative.com...cool tool!
I shared that a shift has occurred from one sided learning to many participants....and also shared Blabberize as a cool tool.
I shared kidblog.
I added the resource Animoto and checked and changed any grammatical errors in the previous edits.
I added information about UTellStory, a Web 2.0 tool I have just learned about.
I shared information about a Web 2.0 tool called Thinglink. It is used to created interactive images, which are shareable and embeddable. http://www.thinglink.com/learn
Added summary of Diigo, and how I'll be using it in school.
I made some spelling corrections and changed some grammatical errors. I also added information about using blogspot.com
added Quizstar to the list of Web 2.0 tools
Added comments about Google Apps
Doceri was added as a web 2.0 tool to try out in the classroom.
k Liese added Kerpoof studios as differentiated web 2.0 technology for use with common core standards.
Added the year of the conference.
Added how to apply Animoto to a fifth grade social studies class with special needs students.
I added a link and description of Open Bible Geocoding.
I wrote about an iPad App -- Educreations
I added to the idea of looking at Apps in addition to web tools. I noted that many tools are working across devices, specifically referencing Google Drive.
I reverted back to this page because I accidentally deleted the last 3 paragraphs. I reinserted my Evernote addition.
I added a few paragraphs about one of my favorite Web 2.0 tools called Evernote. I included links to more information and I mentioned Twitter and Skitch, which both integrate with Evernote.
grammar and expanding the use of 2.0 tools for life long learning
As a foreign language teacher, I would love to have a wiki where kids can go to websites like www.conjuguemos.com to practice and self-quiz.
Added the sentence about dangers of believing everything on the internet
Added URL link
I added information about Edmodo
Added the sction about student security.
I added Drop Box as a great storage unit for anyone and it is free.
More information about Wikipedia
Tagline for Wikipedia Added link for Secret Annex
There are some great links in the previous postings and I am sorry to say that I cannot necessarily add to them. Sites that I regularly use are http://earth.google.com/, especially if we are talking about world events. Prezi is a great tool. I find that students are burnt out on Powerpoints but are interested in Prezi's and find that when they are instructed to give a presentation most will venture to Prezi versus Powerpoint.
I included ways teachers can help students learn using web 2.0 by adding the line: "as well as, share, contribute, collaborate, create, and communicate with peers whether known or unknown, in their town or from across the globe. Web 2.0 technologies includes,"
I added the sentence: "These new applications have shifted the paradigm from Web 1.0 tools and are helping preparing students for the 21st century job market"
The word sentence is misspelled. It is missing the t.
I didn't see any errors... so I didn't change anything.
I changed the contraction from you're to two words you are, and It's to it is.
I found this webpage as a potential resource for teachers. I hope this page is accessible to us after the class is finished? http://www.wisemantech.com/25sites/
I don't see any typos either~ Laural
Here's a link to the technology tool VoiceThread http://voicethread.com/. This is a great collaboration tool that allows students to comment in 5 different ways. It's a great tool! Greg-
I changed the contraction I've to I. I also changed don't to didn't.